Sunday, April 22, 2007

Good Morning, Running Shoes...The Earth Says Hello! - April 8, 2007

Today was my first run of Marathon Training season. My friend Julie and I were IMing each other last week and I asked her if she had run today. She said, “Yes. You?” (IM chats with Julie are very short) I said “No! I don’t have to start until Saturday…why would I run before then? Sheeesh!”

That’s pretty much been my attitude all Winter long, and man, has my body paid for it. Aside from the obvious weight gain, I have felt sluggish, depressed….blah blah blah.

So today was the day. There are three Marathons coming up in October that I can choose from, and I’m actually pretty excited about it….even if I do have to start from scratch again.

I set up the first run today with six other island ladies to be a 2.6 mile time trial….I was the only one that showed. So what if it’s Easter, Spring Break, and Island Road-Side Clean-Up day? Come ON, where are their priorities!! Just kidding. Anyway, I dusted off my running shoes and showed up at the designated meeting place at 8:00am as planned. I got a little excited as I began to lumber slowly down the road…it was a beautiful morning with the mountain and ocean on my right and the woods on my left and the island was just waking up. I saw a local farmer putting his eggs in to a cooler by the side of the road for locals to purchase on the ‘honor’ system, and an older man sitting on the porch of his cabin in a flannel shirt drinking coffee and watching his dog.

I did forget music, however, but no matter. It was a very short run (35 minutes) and the birds and voices of passers by saying ‘good morning!’ provided all the music I needed.

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