Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Tales From the Laundry Pile

I know that I am being highly uncreative by posting a blog about something as mundane as laundry. Everyone has to deal with laundry in some way, shape, or form...even if you have household staff you still have to interact with your dirty clothes before they are whisked off to be laundered and pressed and re-hung. Sigh. I dream not of yachts and champagne...I dream of someone else doing my laundry.

This picture is of my laundry room today. Does ANYONE have a laundry room that looks like this? Mind you, this is not after weeks or even days of neglecting the heinous chore. This is after folding and putting away five loads yesterday, and this is with one load in the washer, one in the dryer, and one in a clean pile on my dining room table.

This is so wrong. The worst part that I discovered after the weather turned cold, is that said laundry pile is sitting on top of a heater vent which sent wafts of heated soccer clothes, dirty socks and swim suit schmutz throughout the house the first time it kicked on. Nice.

When my friend had a baby two years ago she must have said 10 times. "I have to do laundry...everyday!" I tried to look impressed or sympathetic, but really I just wanted to bury her in the dishtowels and jeans and wet towels that plague my life.

Sigh. Okay, I'm going to go fold the load on my dining room table and make dinner. I'm starting to wonder if going naked would really be that big of a problem.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Grace Notes

I never know just how long I can commit to blogging. It was such a joy and outlet for me for many years, then my world crumbled in and I hurt a whole lot of people. It was very public, and it was very awful...and I haven't wanted anyone I hurt to read me being all cheerful and light...for them to think for one moment that I didn't take breadth and scope of my actions seriously.

It's been more than two years. I've done all I can, and I am moving forward with joy and a deepened sense of awe of God and His mercy. It's been a long and painful journey, and there is so much of life to be enjoyed beyond our failures, and the failures of others.

I look forward to the days ahead: sharing humor, irony, stories....and grace.